Off By Heart….

Hello, future internet friends. I’m assuming you’ve arrived at my blog because you’ve typed the words “love”, “relationship”, “disaster”, “heartbreak” or something to that effect into your Google Toolbar. My name is Cami. I’m a twenty-something, semi-adult, living in (of all places) Miami, and trying to navigate the crazy train that is the pursuit of love.

The idea to do this blog started out as a new year’s resolution, however, as most resolutions go, it fell into the to-do abyss. 2012 was a very trying year, quite possibly the most difficult I’ve ever experienced, and 2013 is started to pan out the same way.

2012 mostly involved me planning my wedding to a man I had lived with for three years and wholeheartedly believed would be the person with which I would grow old. I did everything for this person, including support him (I’ll never be a sugar mama again). To make a long story short, I came home after working an incredibly long and arduous day to find out I had been “robbed” by the person who was supposed to love me for better or worse. Needless to say, the truth of who he really was came to light at warped speed after his cowardly departure. After seeing his new apartment, his new car, and his new girlfriend it became painfully clear that I was completely oblivious. I had to take a real look at myself and the things I allowed in my romantic relationships (seeing as this wasn’t my first catastrophic heartache).

Since the events of that day, it has been and continues to be a bumpy and confusing journey to find love. I hope to share the experiences of my migration towards matrimony and the pursuit of happiness and hopefully gather some advice from everyone who comes across my little corner of the vast internet. Here we go…